Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Politically correct fairy tales

UPDATE:  Do your best to finish your rough drafts by Friday.  Turn in your rough draft to:
Turnitin.com  (Use this link)

**Remember, I am offering an online video/ phone chat via Google Hangouts on Thursday, 4/2 @ 1PM

Today, we will be reviewing how to use online meetings, and I can answer any questions on the project.  We will be using this link in the future for class.

If you don't have internet, and do have unlimited calling, use the phone number and call in.

The meeting link/ phone number is in your school email.  I sent you a group message.

If you can't join and have questions, please feel free to drop me an email @ tchristian@berwicksd.org.

As children, we all loved fairy tales.  Stories of princesses, wolves, eggs, bears, etc, have amused generations since the beginning of time.  Sometimes the hero wins, others....not so much.  However, each tale usually encompasses an important life lesson.

Looking at these stories, one element is vividly clear.....they are politically incorrect. 

Let's face it, in most cases/ stories....someone should have known better!  In our day and age, technology rules, and society is just different.  People are independent, and can think for themselves.  Parents are more aware, and technology serves as the foundation of communication.  (FYI, Little Red's people needed to pay attention!    Damsels in distress, move over....in today's society, there are strong, independent individuals!!)

Today, we are going to write and present politically correct fairy tales.

1. Make a list of 10 societal changes.  (Think of your tales, and create a list of 10 areas of change.)
-What are 10 elements that should be featured in a modern-day fairy tale.

2, Group discussion - changes, key concepts that should be included/ featured, topics for the tales, etc

3. With a partner, (you may work alone), we are going to create amusing, up-to-date, politically correct fairy tales.

*If you have a partner, you will be presenting in a tag-team manner.  Your grade will reflect the overall presentation.  So, find someone who can play the part.  (Ex: change voices, express emotions, and transition with ease)

Assessment:  Rubric
Peer evaluation

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